The difference between uneducated views on Down Syndrome and reality..

Sunday 6 September 2015

Some of you may have read that amazing blog post that was trending on Social Media last week. The one where 2 beautiful people were married and the father wrote a letter to his daughter. The daughter who has Down Syndrome, married her fiancé who also has Down Syndrome.

If you're anything like me, you love to see people happy and to succeed. Seeing two people who genuinely love one another get married, is beautiful.

Reading that post and seeing it all over social media makes me feels as though we finally live in a world who are starting to accept that it doesn't matter your race, religion, sex or disability. If 2 people generally love each other then why the hell wouldn't they want to make that commitment to one another. 

But then you see the most outrageous comments. People saying disgusting things about Down Syndrome people and it really makes you sit back and think..

Are we still living in a world full of people who believe those with special needs shouldn't be accepted. Do we as a community understand what having Down Syndrome even means? 

I took this from a Facebook post made by The Tom Leykis Show

This page posted the blog that Paul Daugherty had made to his beautiful daughter and asked his fans to compete in captioning this.. Clearly to make fun of people who have Down Syndrome!
Then his fans went to town. They had an absolute field day, each one of them thinking their caption was hilarious.

See picture to the right..

Surely they can't be that uneducated??!! Firstly let me tell you, from one of those so called irresponsible, selfish people you so kindly speak of..

1. I was 28 when I gave birth - I'm young and my eggs are far from drying up. In fact I know people who have had DS babies at the age of 21! Get your facts straight

And 2. We had scans, blood tests etc. And can tell you, the tests are bullshit! We were given the usual low risk for Trisomy 21 results. Yep Trisomy 21 is the medical name, I guess you probably are too far up your own ass to know that too hey buddy?!

Don't even get me started on the way you speak, 'they have this need to shit a cub out & get all the attention'?!!! Say what? Firstly they come out of your vagina mate and in case you didn't know, they are also called babies not cubs. 

And the word 'two' (which means more than 1) that you have used in your ridiculously moronic comment - it's TOO. 

That comment is just where it began. I cannot even believe there could be such cruel, heartless people in this world. These references below make me cringe! 

Do these people actually believe this is funny? Hopefully they aren't ever lucky enough to have a Down Syndrome child. 

To have a child with Down Syndrome is the greatest gift of all. Don't ever feel sorry for someone who has given birth to a child who has DS, that's the biggest misconception. You should feel envious, because being in the presence of a person (no matter the age) with Down Syndrome will absolutely change your life. And in a way you never thought it would. 

You're lead to believe that a DS child will change your life, yes it does; certainly not in the way they make it out though. You see my son, he has Down Syndrome and at only 19 months old has completely changed my outlook on life. I was once a glass half empty type person, that for one has changed. If the glass is half full, just refill it.. life isn't as hard as you make it out to be!

Here he is.. Mr Tate. He is as beautiful inside as what he is on the outside. He is the sweetest kid with the biggest heart and the strongest will. Easily the greatest person I have met in my entire life. And this is his life motto - I swear. To be so happy that when other see you, they become happy too.

Next time you feel the need to give your opinion about a subject you clearly know nothing about - it may pay to do a little research. Nothing about these comments makes sense and nothing about having a child with Down Syndrome is selfish or irresponsible. You on the other hand are an ignorant, inconsiderate bigot who clearly has nothing better to do than to put others down in the hope it will make you feel better! How about you get your head out of your ass and learn how to be a respectful member of society!!

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